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Policies on use of City Facilities
Published on 08-19-2009 at 2:01 PM


WhiteThe City of Willcox owns several types of Property. While all property of the City is ultimately owned by the Citizens of Willcox, not all property has open and unrestricted access. There is City property such as the Sewer and Water Facilities, Public Works Yards, Police Offices, and Fire Stations where Public access is totally restricted, this is intended to protect the Public from danger and limit the liability of the Citizens for any injuries that might occur.

When there is an abundance of space/facilities there is normally not a problem with the Public using these facilities whenever they wish. As the demands for space increases conflicts begin to occur more often; who can use the space, who has the first call, how do you reserve the space for your group to use, what are the requirements on the use of the space? The draft policies below are intended as a starting point in the answering of these questions. Since these deal with Public Property the draft policies attempt to provide the space on an equal and fair basis and nondiscriminatory basis to any and all individuals or groups who may wish to use them.

The City has property which is used primarily for City operations and is also available for the general Public to use. These types of facilities would include meeting rooms within Public buildings. The first draft policy below “Policy on use of Meeting Rooms/Spaces in City Owned Facilities”, is an effort to: set priorities on the use of the space; discourage use of the space by private business (who may use other privately owned space in the community to operate their business); establish a method for who the public contacts if they wish to use the space; establish who has first priority (first come first serve); and establish when it is appropriate to charge a fee for the use of the space (when the group or individual using the space is causing the City to pay out dollars that it would not pay out otherwise).

The City has property that is generally open and available to all member of the Public at virtually any time. Examples include the streets, the open space at the Parks, Basketball courts, parking areas, Baseball Fields, Ramada’s, Soccer Fields, etc. These areas do come under heavy demand by some groups at certain times of the year and for certain events such as during baseball season. There is other open space owned by other entities like the school or private persons, which are not proposed to be covered under these draft policies. The second draft policy below titled “Policy for use of City Open Recreational Space” is intended to provide guidelines on these type areas may be secured for usage by individuals and groups, when fees maybe charged, who gets priority, and who to contact to reserve the space.

The City has property which is NOT available to the Public at any time but maybe used by individuals or groups with prior arrangement or during restricted times. Examples include; swimming pool, community center, Rodeo grounds, and Concession Stands. The third draft policy below titled “Policy on use of City Facilities” is intended to provide guidelines on the use, when fees will be charged, how to reserve, and who to contact to reserve the space.

Please review the Polices and provide us you comments. You can send us comments at : or, Mail them to Pat Mc Court, City Manager 101 S. Railroad Ave Willcox AZ 85643 or, Stop by City Hall and talk to the City Manager or call Mr. Mc Court at 520-384-2471. We encourage you to plan to attend one of the several Public Town Halls and voice your opinion and comments.

Your opinion matters and is important in shaping the Policies to reflect the values of the people of Willcox.

Please return here and vote after you review these policies. Your opinion matters and is appreciated.

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